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my nephew

Sunday, Jul. 13, 2003 - 3:56 p.m.

i haven't totally forgotten about diaryland...i really haven't. i've just been busy as all i don't know what. i still don't have time to really be on here now. i have my nephew here w/ me this weekend and we've had a very hectic one. it's been fun, though. i thought i was tiring him out and all i did was tire myself out. go figure. i've gotta take him down to the coffee shop, then make him some lunch. so i've gotta go. i love having him here, though. his birthday is in about 3 weeks and he'll be 12. he says 'i can't wait! i'll be a pre-teen soon.' too cute.

my roommate's cousin came over here earlier today. he's coming back. hopefully, she'll be here then. who knows. but we talked a little. bevin, that's his name, is a good guy. just a little...out there, and i'll leave it at that.

wanna know something stupid i did? something on my neck made my neck break out. i'm thinking it was the strap to my new purse (too cute). well, i took a shower and i was going to put some hydrocortizon on it. i went to the cabinet to get it and just opened a tube and put it on my neck...guess what i put on my neck, and no, it wasn't what it was supposed to be. ICY HOT! not exactly what you want on a rash. the smell hit me first, then i turned the tube over to see what it was and i just went straigth for the hot water. i was running around like a chicken w/ it's head cut off. so much for my brightness. just goes to show you just b/c you think you know where everything is in your house, you really don't.

well, i've got to take care of my little man now. he's so cute. i'll have to take another picture of him. and before i go get him his italian soda, i've got to renew my gold membership. let's hope this child doesn't ask to go to nyp again. i think i'll make him french toast for lunch.

oh yeah, just so everyone remembers, 311 will be on the craig kilborn show 12:35a.m. friday night, july 18 (technically, it's saturday morning, july 19). also, check out the banner at the top of the page...their new album hits stores july 22 and their new song is out now, 'creatures (for awhile.) you can go to their website at

music in my head: creatures (for a while)

what i'm doing now: making lunch
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave