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been gone for far too long

Saturday, Jan. 18, 2003 - 10:44 p.m.

well, i am at my parent's house for the weekend. i didn't tell many of my friends this. oh well, i guess they found out today when they called and got my answering machine.

i finally saw that movie 'barber shop' today. it was totally not what i thought it was going to be. first off, the previews make it seem that cedric the entertainer is the main character..not so. it's ice cube. i am glad eve had a bigger role than i thought. and the! he was so hot and he beautiful eyes. you know i have a fascination for thugs. they make me weak in the knees. it really was a good movie, just not like i thought it would be. i'm glad i saw it, though.

my friend ricky got me half of my christmas present last week. it was the sean paul cd 'dutty rock.' let me go ahead and say pictures really can make you look like crap. i am so glad i have seen him in interviews and his video. my god, the picture on the cd makes him look like an old man...and one of those pictures makes him look like shaggy, who i can't stand. yuck! but i am glad i got the cd. i love dancehall reggae. it really gets me moving. know who got me into dancehall? 311, yep, that's right!

i have been sleeping like it's going out of style for the past 2 weeks. i can't help it. my nephew was so upset w/ me today b/c when i got to my parent's, he wanted me to watch him play some video game. i just wanted to sleep adn i did. he kept waking me up. i love the fact that he loves me and misses me to death, but goodness, he was working my nerves, but i just sat there and tolerated it. i love that boy and haven't been here much, so i understand him wanting to spend all his time w/ me. i mean, who can blame him? anway, back to my original point, i have been sleeping a lot. not just a lot, but sleeping hard. normally, i can hear anything. if the phone rings, it wakes me up. this morning when i woke up, i checked my phone and realized that ron called me around 2:40a.m. i had no idea. i didn't even know he left a message until i checked the answering machine. didn't hear the phone ring once. i was a bump on a log. that's how i've been sleeping for a while now. and then i woke up at...are you ready for this? 6:30a.m. yes, you heard right. on a saturday morning, no less. i tried to go back to sleep and woke up at 7:45a.m., then at 8:40a.m. i didn't even try to go back to sleep after that. there was no use. here's the thing you won't believe, though. i didn't go out to the bar or anything. i had no alcohol or any other mind altering drugs. i was 100% completely sober and in my right mind. go figure.

all i have done today is sleep and eat. well, i did watch the movies but sleeping and eating took up most of the day. oh, i saw this one movie on BET STARS! it starred lorenz tate. it was called 'love come down.' it was really good...or maybe it was just lorenz tate. deborah cox was in it too.

i was talking to my cousin last night on the phone. well, actually it was right after i got home from work, so i guess that would be evening rather than night. she was telling me all kinds of stuff and we were laughing like crazy. anyway, i was hungry and trying to decide what to eat for dinner. i didn't eat until after some of my friends left. know what i ate? don't freak out or anything. i ate eggs w/ hot sauce. now, i know that sounds really gross but it's not. my old neighbor-turned-friend got me into it. now, i am black and from the south, so you know i like hot sauce (only texas pete will do b/c there is not other hot sauce!). and the eggs..well, most people eat eggs for breakfast. i didn't feel like standing on my feet and cooking anything major, so i decided to just make breakfast food. i'm not one that likes sweet stuff much and if i were making spinach, i would have to have mac and cheese and that would take too long. so eggs w/ hot sauce it was. alright, i added onions, italian seasoning and cheese, but it was all good.

when i was talking to my cousin, she was also telling me about this crazy person in my neighborhood that is attacking these girls. i was confused when she told me this b/c my cousin is in the same area as my parents and i'm in g'boro. she said she was watching the news and they were talking about it and they mentioned my street and the one parallel to it and the police station b/t it. that really is my neighborhood. that's like a block from my apartment. anyway, this freak, whoever he is, has been breaking into these girl's apartments, raping them and then taking their stuff. in each case that has been reported, the girls didn't have their doors locked. well, that counts me out b/c i lock my door automatically as soon as i close it. but i am still going to be extra careful. no more walking around at night by myself. you never know what could happen. i'll only go to college hill and back and that only b/c it's in seeing distance from my place and there is ALWAYS someone out when i get home. i'm not worried about that now b/c i've been so tired when i get home that i don't even have the energy to do anything. i mean, damn, i had french toast for dinner tuesday.

as far as being a player..i'm too damn tired to play the game now. well, not really. once i get it in my head that i'm going out, i'll go, i just gotta get my mind set. i shouldn't have to psyche myself into going out, but i do have to. i'm just not feeling like flirting lately. i did go to college hill wednesday night w/ my friend dee. we had so much fun. he was trying to quit smoking and i quit a few months ago. quitting for me is easy b/c i never get addicted. i never smoke long enough to. anyway, to get away from everyone that was smoking, i suggested we play pool since every other time we go the table is full. well, we had the best time. did i mention i can't play pool worth a damn? yeah. the last time i played i was in high school. when jody, jason and i used to go to the power company, we would play. the power company was a gay club and we were all underage. i was the straight girl w/ the young gay boys...this was my intro to being queen fag hag, peeps. anyway, there was nothing at the gay club for a straight underage girl to do, so i played pool. of course, this was before i became popular there. it's been 10 years, at least, since i've played pool. anyway, the point was, i played pool, had a blast and was still home before midnight. go me!

well, it's 11:20a.m. i suppose it's time for me to get off the computer and go to bed...or finish checking my e-mail. i'll try to update some more soon. there is a lot of stuff going on in my life right now that i am trying to sort out. hopefully things will work out for the best. i have always been a person that tries not to have regrets...but i think a regretable issue has popped up and i am completely dumbfounded on how to deal w/ this issue. i guess the consequences of some of my actions have finally caught up to me. oh well, it had to happen sooner or later. but we'll see.

i'm off. oh, before i forget, i went humidifer shopping w/ my mother today and i finally got my humidifier. i am happy. i can't wait to get back home tomorrow and put it to good use. my apartment is entirely too dry anyway. toodles.

music in my head: my goddess

what i'm doing now: worrying
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave