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have a safe and happy new year

Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2002 - 9:16 p.m.

well this is the last entry of 2002. i'm kinda psyched about it. not the entry part, but this being the end of 2002. a lot of stuff happened this year. some stuff i am really glad happened, and other stuff not so glad. but you can't really do anything about regrets, so might at well be happy w/ the way things turned out.

i think this year ended on a really good note. my family circle has gone unbroken and i have added friends to my list. yea! i have also kept the friends that i already had, so that is always good. all in all, a pretty good year.

i am currently cooking black eyed peas and collards. yes, the traditional southern new year's day meal. black eyed peas for good luck, collards for money and the pork for good health. now the pork thing i have never heard of until recently, but whatever. i don't really see pork being associated w/ good health, but i'll go along w/ it anyway.

i'm also glad i was able to keep my tight family at diaryland. some people have gone away and that was sad...others left, but came back. to all of the people i have ever met on diaryland this year, i'm grateful that you were apart of my life and i thank you for that experience.

well, i have to start getting ready for my new year's evening. nothing big planned. just going to hang out w/ my close peeps at the local bar. i hope everyone has a very safe and happy holiday.

happy kwanzaa, as well. tomorrow is the last day of kwanzaa. it's imani, meaning faith.

well, i'm about to leave. again, be safe, have fun and bring in the new year right. see you all in 2003!

music in my head: to be with you-hoobastank

what i'm doing now: about to bring in the new year right
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave