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getting freaky in nyp

Monday, Dec. 16, 2002 - 1:44 p.m.

i went home early today b/c i'm getting sick. i pray this doesn't last. there is too much i have to do this week. i'm also pms-ing. that's always fun, yeah. i need someone to come take care of me b/c i just can't seem to do it myself now. i think i'm gonna drink some russian tea, find something hot to eat and go to bed. i'll wake up later to go get stuff from the store to make sausage balls for tomorrow. even if i don't go to work, i'll make sure the people at work get them. i got that from maher. he says if you say you're gonna bring something, regardless if you are going to be there or not, bring it.

i can't believe christmas is next week. that means that my parents are having their christmas eve party. i can't wait. people from everywhere will be there, as usual. i love it. and i don't have to cook...well, i hope not.

my roommate and i have been hanging out quite a bit the past few weeks. it's just like old times. strange. i was telling her last night. we've even been drinking together. we haven't done that in a while. it's fun b/c i have finally found a way to get her off the computer. i'm happy. we plan ahead to go to the bars. she wished she had stayed last thursday night when the power went off at nyp. that's when the guys in suits kept flirting w/ me and asking me to do..scandelous things. i was like, whoa!! me and maher left and came back at 1:00a.m. maher got me drunk and the infamous leo got me to get freaky in the bathroom w/ him. yeah, i still haven't gotten over that, i got freaky inside nyp in the bathroom, of all places. go figure. well, at least it wasn't in the kitchen, b/c that was the first choice. i think i'm gonna stay away from nyp for a bit. i'll be at college hill for a little while...well, that won't help b/c i get old crazy guys trying to get up w/ me there. at least at nyp the guys are either foreign, cute or well dressed. i'll have to work on that.

i won't be doing anything this week except recovering from whatever i have. maybe it's just a sore throat. i hope so. but i'm gonna go make some homemade medicine and knock myself out. yep, i'm from the country, so i'm trained at doing that. until later.

music in my head: the humpty dance

what i'm doing now: getting sick
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave