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real men

Saturday, Oct. 05, 2002 - 7:42 p.m.

i knew it was gonna happen. i spent my time writing this wonderful elaborate entry b/c i haven't been on diaryland in a while, and guess what? the freaking thing was lost. guess why? you guessed it. i'm at my parent's house and on using their crappy aol service. i hate it. well, i better type this quick before i lose it too.

i got my new pager last week. i am in love with it. i can e-mail my friends on it and it's also i regular pager. it has my little electronic address book in it too, so i never have to carry around that raggedy little thing i had before. my purse is so much lighter. i feel fashionable. it also reminds me of things and is a little alarm clock. i just love it. wish i'd have gotten it earlier.

i've got so much on my plate now, as far as work is concerned, but it's a good thing. i used to think my boss, the asst. v.p. didn't acknowledge anything i did..quite the contrary. she notices everything, and i am not talking about the bad or petty things i do. she even gives out compliments. i think my manager is rubbing off on her. she's giving me a lot more projects, which is good. it's something where i can actually show that i have talent, rather than just keying all day long. she's been keeping people off my back lately, telling them if they have a problem with what i tell them, then come to her. crazily enough, a lot of people in the company are kinda scared of her, even her boss, but we love it. she's our leader and she is definitely leading us in the right direction. we're a newly founded team, but we, i think, truly define the term unity.

i have found this singer that i totally love. it's an 80's singer. i've heard one of this songs...okay, i only knew one of his songs and i used to love it. well, watching vh-1 classic, you start seeing videos you never saw before and seeing who sang the different songs. well....does anyone remember joe jackson???? you probably don't. he sang 'steppin out.' i used to love that song. i was watching 2 for tuesday one day and saw this other video he did. i had never heard it before, but listend all the same. i think i did it b/c the vj's were saying how he was openly gay in the 80's. that seems kinda funny now b/c everything looked gay back then, but it was 'normal'. it was a big shock when all these 'normal' people came out in the 90's and even today. well, back to joe jackson. the video i watched was called 'real men.' i saw that video again this past week. it totally took me over. i actually listened to the words of that song and they rang so true. pretty much it asking what is a 'real man?' is one considered a real man just b/c they're straight? does it even make a difference? the video goes w/ the song so well. there are these pre-pubescent boys running around outside w/ this girl. all of them are straight, and then there is this one boy who everyone always laughs at b/c he's gay. that's obvious b/c you see the way he looks and drools over this other guy, who is gay as well. anyway, the straight boys push this girl down and laugh at her and kick her. she cries and they run away. this gay boy comes over and helps her up. the straight boys come back and laugh at her. later on, they all grow up...i'm not going to get into the whole video, but that has become my favorite video now. i've been singing that song for days. every time i bring up that name, my friend frank makes vomiting noises. okay, so joe jackson ain't the prettiest flower in the garden, but he's very creative. if you ever get a chance to listen to that song, please do. it really makes you think. in fact, the very first line of the song is 'what's a real man?'

alright, i've written about that enough. in fact, i think i've written enough now. my next mission...who the hell knows. i've got to study some LOMA, insurance law, when i get back to g'boro tomorrow. i'm six chapters behind, but my exam isn't until the first week in november, so i will be fine. but people, i do need to be finding a man.. yep. a real man. think that will happen any time soon? i think not...but at least i can dream, right? yeah, right. i was hyper when i started this entry...but i have managed to depress myself, yet again. i'm getting really good at that. i think it's the whole being single thing. nobody wants to be lonely and you think, if you have enough to keep you busy that you won't really notice it...but you do. well, folks, that's the way of the world.

music in my head: real men-joe jackson

what i'm doing now: pouting
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave