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margaritas, porn, horror novels

Tuesday, May. 28, 2002 - 4:01 p.m.

well, this memorial day weekend was pretty damn good. i am so glad that i had it. i needed it something fierce. if there was one word to describe this weekend, it would be relaxation. if there was one object i would use to identify this weekend, it would be a margarita glass filled with margarita and the good tequila. yep, as i said i would, i started my weekend off right. kamilah and myself went to mexico, the restaurant, one of the few good ones in g'boro. i attempted to finish my 26oz of margarita, but it was no good. i barely made it through half the glass before i had to give up. kamilah didn't even try to make it through her 12oz one. we were some sad chicks.

saturday afternoon, kamilah, chip and myself went back and i tried again. this time, i won. unfortunately for kamilah and chip, they didn't. we sat outside on the patio and drank while we ate our food. again, i got a 26oz margarita and it was so good. i paced myself this time. kamilah ate an entire basket of chips and salso then her food and tried to down the margarita. just so you know, she is the size of a muppet! she unbuttoned her pants and then struggled to get to the bathroom. she didn't get sick or anything, but she never made it to the bathroom. she almost passed out in a booth. i had to help her out. then there was chip. he had just put lemon juice in his hair and was attempting to get a tan. i will admit, that boy has some white shoulders. if you put him in a room with no shirt on, he would be your lamp. well, he downed the 26oz margarita, then got another 12oz one. he ended up going in the bathroom and puking. now, i tell you, why did i not get sick? b/c i didn't try to eat everything in sight or drink everything all at once. that and the fact that i didn't sit directly in the sun, and yes, it was hot as hell. needless to say, they both learned their lesson.

we went back to my place for a little break to cool off and everything. seeing as i was the only sober one, i had to drive. where did we go after that? the treasure box. what is that? a kick ass porn store, that's what it is. i love that place. there was some guy hittin on kamilah and she got freaked and told him we were together. did this deter him? no, he said the more the merrier. as it turned out, he worked at the mail office and gave us 1/2 off any dvd we wanted. what a nice guy. whatever. after that, we went porn crazy. it was too funny. you wanna see something funny? watch two black girls pick a porn apart. kamilah and i can do it. we notice every single little detail. it was fun all the same.

later that night, chip and i cooked chicken stroganoff and it was really good. i also made a koo-aide pie which was off the hook. i had other people come over and we really had fun hanging out. i allowed it to happen b/c my roommate was gone, i had nothing to do and i was in a party mood.

i did nothing sunday except for watch porn w/ kamilah, but monday we decided to go to rock-o-la for lunch. we were almost finished and guess who appears out of the blue???? the guy we had met in the porn store. we were like, what in the world??? he was like, do you two ever separate? he then asked us did we buy anything at the store and we said yes. he asked what it was and we told him, then he asked has we seen them. we both replied yes, he asked did we watch them together and we said yes. this sent him into a fit of giggles. do not ask me why. just from listening to him talk, he feels that no matter what sexuality a woman is, she always has to have a man in her life, a play toy, if you will. okay, kamilah and i are both very good friends and both love the male body as much as the next chick, but, hello, he doesn't know that. i thought that was very rude of him to try to be all up in our business, saying it's okay if we were together, a man still needs to be involved. needless to say, we left very soon after. what a chavanist pig. oh well.

so that was my fun relaxing weekend. there was other drama that concerned my family. i am not sure i am really ready to speak about that, but we'll see tomorrow. now, i think i am gonna get off work a little early. i have to finish my horror novel. it's called 'margo.' it's scary as hell. the front cover alone makes you quiver inside. and the people, oh god, they are satanist. i think i said that right. i have never read a book like that before. it's pretty cool, all fiction, mind you, but still spooky as hell. i love it. it's late 70's, early 80's horror. we all know those are the good horror novels right there. and just the fact that they are scared of some of this stuff and they are satanist scares the crap out of me...and one of my favorite feelings is to be scared. alright, i am out.

music in my head: tubthumping-chumbawumba

what i'm doing now: attempting to stay cool
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave