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st. patty's day

Monday, Mar. 18, 2002 - 1:53 p.m.

this entry will be the end of the 'weekend' entries. this was all about yesterday. so what, i didn't wake up until 3:45p.m. i had a rough day, i deserved every bit of rest i got. my boy jo-jo called me and said he was coming over. not a problem. we had already agreed to this before. he hid in my room laughing b/c banke and anna were in the front room and didn't know we were back there. the reason for this? anna is in love with jody and he can only take so much of her. the whole thing was funny. he hid in my closet until they were gone. too funny.

after they left, jody and i talked about my weekend and, lo and behold, they came back. i was scared b/c frank was coming over and i didn't want him to say anything b/c i forgot to tell him anything. frank did come while they were still at my place. he made it back to my room when asks 'where is jod..." before he could even finish the question, i plastered my hand to his mouth and drug him into my room. we waited until banke and anna were gone, then cheryl came back to my room and we all got ready to go out. it didn't even hit me until jody came over that it was st. patrick's day::aka: alcoholic's new year!!!

so we left there and went to macados for some green beer. let me tell you, i had to flirt my ass off to get some cool trinkets. all i had to do was ask for the cute hat. but for the blinking four leaf clover....i had to truly be me. yes, there was lots of cleavage showing, boobie rubbing and 'accidental' beer spilling. it got me my trinket. i was happy. then we went out to the dance floor and boogied on down. so many people were talking to me and trying to talk to me. it was so much fun. there was this old guy there, around 50-something, balding, but trying to cover it up, had on thick coke bottle glasses, trying to mack to me. i got his number. he made me laugh. i took pictures of him. he reminded me of george castanza from seinfeild. he had on a green sweatshirt and some weird green pants. just goes to show you after you hit certain age, i guess fashion doesn't count anymore.

i saw this girl there that kept staring at me but i couldn't figure out why. when i went to the dance floor, she got me. she was like, i remember you. you were at the pride parade. i have pictures of you in my picture album. then i remembered her. she was like 'i look different. i have lost about 100 pounds since then.' no wonder i didn't recognize her. we chatted and i got her number. gosh, i haven't seen her in over a year. and she works w/ jody. now, while we were over discussing the pride parade, jody is over talking to one of the straight guys that works at replacements...yes, there are a few straight people that work there. he shakes his head as he listens to me and the girl talk and says to the straight boy, 'poor kim. she always gets caught in these conversations and she straight. i feel so sorry for her.' when he told me this later, i died laughing. i was like, you are such a weirdo, jody.

so that was my fun filled weekend. kinda odd, not like the usual weekends, but then again, we all need a little spice in our life every now and then. this week, i am only concerned with a few things. studying LOMA, buying that shirt i saw friday night that i am so in love with, getting my film developed so i can post 311 pics on diaryland, getting the HOOBASTANK album b/c they are the bomb...and finishing my v.c. andrews book. yep, cause this weekend is gonna be totally free and totally mine!

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave