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christmas eve dinner

Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2001 - 12:56 p.m.

i think i am going to have to split this up into a few entries. entirely too much has happened this holiday for one entry. it was so hectic i didn't even have time to write in this diary. just plain craziness, more than before.

well, i was supposed to get up and go to the grocery store at 7:00a.m. on saturday, but i didn't make it. my mom woke me up at 8:00a.m., so i left at 8:30a.m. still, not too bad. i made 4, yes, count them, 4 cheese cakes and my greedy family tried to eat them all. it was all good. the christmas eve dinner started at 5:00p.m....or at least it was supposed to. i think it probably started between 5:30p.m. and 6:oop.m. not too bad. there were so many people in our house, it was not funny. my family came from florida and i was shocked. there was so much food. i think i picked on my dad enough so that he didn't cook all the food he was gonna. he only cooked on turkey and mama cooked one ham. i told her we would invite other coutries later and then we'll cook all that food. i got the evil stare.

i saw my dad prepare the fried turkey. it was crazy. he had to inject that damn turkey with the seasoning. after watching this, i vowed to never do heroine. if you could have seen that turkey every time my dad injected some stuff in there, you would have freaked. it just bubbled up. too crazy. then my mom was in there looking at it with me and i saw something hanging off the turkey. my parents informed me it was the butt. that was too funny to me b/c i didn't know poultry had butts. my mama called me dingy. i didn't know! how was i supposed to know?

so we get everything cooked and people started coming and i saw people i haven't seen in years and people who i never see outside of church. it was so crazy and so much fun. my sister and i even talked. yes, the one who never acknowledges my existance actually spoke to me. we even took picture together. it was so much fun. i told her about jason and she was like, he came to her house a few weeks ago and he was FINE! i told her, no, not even, he is still just jason, or 'clucky' to me. then i told her jevon told me he saw her at the club. we talked about it and no, she's not gay as i thought, but that girl that goes with her to the club sometimes, ty, is. and ty is all about my sister, but my sister likes having her there to keep the lesbians off her. i do believe that b/c she has always had girls and guys after her. she looks good, i mean hello, she is my sister. did you expect any less?

and even talked to my sister's boyfriend, glenn. now that was crazy b/c i don't like him, but i decided to let by gones, be by gones. he actually talked to us and he and my sister took pictures of me all night long. their cameras were awesome. they have digital cameras, but they are also camcorders. too cool.

after everyone left, i watched absolutely fabulous in the living room while my brother told me how strange i was and my mom fell asleep. i forgot to mention while everyone was there earier socilizing and eating, my mom sat down and cornrowwed paylor's hair, my nephew. are we the epitome of a black southern family or what? and guess what we didn't have there to eat? NO CHITTERLINGS OR PIGFEET! i was so happy. none of that nasty crap and i think this is the first time ever that has happened. it's because we had it for thanksgiving a month ago.

well, i am not finished, but i have to too much to tell for one entry. so here goes....

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave