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flirt-a-thon 2001

2001-11-12 - 10:44 a.m.

okay, can i say i truly am the glitter queen. i knew my lotion had glitter in it this morning, but damn. i went to the bathroom at work. now you know in public restrooms, we squat, not sit. well, how about when i turned around the flush the toilet, there was glitter all over the seat. craziness. well, it doesn't surprise me. it has been a crazy weekend and i have been loving it. it will be a crazy week leading into another crazy weekend and i love it even more.

so let's talk about my weekend. i left work and went home to meet up with chip. so we chill there with cheryl until she goes to meet the black boy, who she doesn't like. drew later comes over and so does frank. drew insist he finish watching buffy, hello, it wasn't me this time. so we all truck on down to nyp for some good food, good fun, good beer and fantabulous boys. tell me when we got there , why was it like family night? all these italian families there eating. i was like, whoa, what happened. about 30 minutes after we got there, a bunch of motorcycle guys came and the families fled. i thought it was kinda funny. so we were off to the drink-a-thon 2001. we had such a wondermous time, yes we did. and the cute bartender boy kept coming to our table and talking. at one point, after i started getting a little tipsy, i said, 'that boy got an ass on him!' okay, i thought i was whispering, how was i to know he heard me? maybe that's why he kept coming over and picking things up on the floor. okay, anyone that has ever been to nyp knows they never clean up there! then i realized there was the flirt thing going on. he even had cute hair! and that sexy voice, wow! i love it when you can flirt with a guy and he flirts back. some guys are just stupid and don't know what to do. the object of flirting is to flatter and get flattered, hello! i just loved it when he came over and started rubbing my back. yeah! so all this is going on and i look up and who should i see? leo! that just made me freeze up. you know how it is when you have been super intimate with someone in the past numerous amounts of times and you see them out of the blue. everything just stops....and that's exactly what happened....until chip yells out, hey girl, it's LAY-O! i think my eyes got 4 times their natural size. leo doesn't hear this, or so i think he doesn't. i'm thinking, i will just sit over here and make myself invisible. not possible when you have a bunch of gays guys around you all drinking themselves silly. i was just like, damn. so finally, leo comes up to the table and says 'hi.' didn't even know he remembered my name, i was shocked. i said hi and he flashes his cute grin at me. yes, then flirty me comes out, and boy, did i flirt. i even did the hair flip think which i hate to do. cute bartender boy comes back while leo and i chat briefly, but do you think i stopped talking to leo? absolutely not! i didn't see cute boy mike until after leo went away. then i went back to flirting with mike. but every few minutes i would hear someone at my table tell me that leo was looking at me or he was at the bar smiling at me. after a while, i stopped paying attention to him because cute boy mike is unchartered territory as far as i am concerned. how do the boys say it, fresh meat! that and he is super tall and his voice is so sexy. not that leo's voice isn't sexy, on the contrary. you don't know sexy until you have a cute boy from argentina whisper in you ear in a foreign tongue...amongst other things. but mike is the new cutie.

but enough on cute boys at nyp. that got boring after 1:30a.m. and i went back home...with everyone else in tow. long story short, i end up almost taking off my shirt int eh store across the street to show this chick my 311 tattoo, which she absolutely LOVED! i passed out on my bed because i had a tummy ache and cheryl had to get everyone out of the apartment. craziness i tell you.

skip to saturday night. we go to the warehouse, also known as the scarehouse or, my personal favorite, the whorehouse. i had so much fun. i will admit, when i first got there, i didn't think i would have much fun, but then ricky kept making me drink and dance and everything just seemed like it used to....really, really fun. it's so much fun flirting, i will tell you that much. it's like it's an art, flirting, and once you master it, you can flirt anytime, anywhere with anybody. sometimes you don't even have to try, it just happens. i loved it. kamilah and i did that alot on the floor with different people. it was funny when some girl started rubbing cheryl's butt, she flipped out. she seriously ran away. i was like cheryl, loosen up, it is okay, girl. we all laughed at her, and we had a big group of people. so funny, so funny. i have been to the warehouse before, there aren't many gay clubs around that i haven't been to back in the day, but this time it was kinda different. i won't elaborate on that, just take it as it's given.

so sunday comes...the day or rest and that's what i did. i found some abba special that came on so i called ricky to come and watch it. he watched that, jody and i made fun of the show. now i will say abba was the bomb and so was olivia newton-john, but when you live with their biggest fans, you can only take so much. i hear abba, i cringe, i hear onj, i dry heave, but i do not like it when others talk bad about them because they were really good, but don't tell ricky and jody i said that.

so anyway, last night i cook dinner for a crap load of people. and let me tell you one thing, i am going to be choosey about who i invite next time. everyone who usually comes over ate my food and loved it, broccoli casserole. i invited ria, cheryl's friend and richard, frank's friend, the only new people to the group. well, later i remembered ria was vegetarian, no problem, we don't always have to have meat. so i make the dinner, well, frank calls and asks what i am making and i tell him and he says richard does not eat broccoli, well damn! then ria comes over and i tell her what's in it, she says she doesn't eat mushrooms because they are fungus. i was like, whatever. that's the last time i try to think of someone else. next time it will be the usual, mac & cheese, seasoned baked chicken and greens. actually next time it will be spinach lasagna because i haven't made that 1999, too crazy. did i mention richard, frank's boy, is 19 and frank is 35? but i ain't saying nothing. he knows the consequences and what not.

so yeah, that was my weekend. tonight is the first new episode of ab fab and i am so ready for it. ricky is coming over, i am cooking fish, we are watching the wwf weakest link then we are watching ab fab. somewhere in there i get my tarot reading. i love it when ricky reads my cards. he is the only one that can really do it. i think because he knows me better than i know myself. and when he gives me mine, he tells me what it applies to, i have to do no thinking at all. i love it.

i forgot a very important part of last night. i got a phone call from an old friend. i was shocked because i never talk to him anymore. anyway, long story short, he was HIV+ and gay. well, i talked to him last night and he informs me that he is getting married to a girl and he is HIV- now. was i shocked, yeah! i lost my appetite. i still cannot believe this. i am very happy for him, mind you, but really, he has gone through this marrying a girl before. this is a bit much. so then he gets on my case about how i am not living right and he needs to talk to me because i need to get rid of all this that and the other. let me tell you, that's one boy that knows how to put a damper on my fun. i had to end that call quick. i think i am going to ask more about that in my tarot card reading tonight.

well, i need to get my work started. i have been here since 8:30a.m. and i have done absolutely nothing all morning long. who cares, my boss ain't here today. i got time. just make my desk look pretty is all i have to do. not a problem. i am a pro at that, baby....well, i might have to do a little work, but that never hurt nobody, you know.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave