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never forget where you came from

2001-11-01 - 1:45 p.m.

i forgot to add the little details that i learned about this halloween. first it was the first time we have had a full moon on halloween since 1955. wow, isn't that something. also, we had a blue moon. this is when you have two full moons in one month. that is not something that happens often, hence, where we get the phrase, once in a blue moon. so everything that happened last was done in a blue moon. i love little tid bits of information like that, don't you.

hey, tonight jody is making me quiche, which i absolutely love. probably spinach quiche. we all know spinach is my favorite food in the world. you can't go wrong with that, baby.

frank and i were just talking. actually, it started last night with ricky. chris' friends, deena, tracy, amy...the whole lot of them were brought up with money. our little clique, me, jody, ricky, frank, cheryl, etc...were not. ricky made a comment so cool last night. he said 'i came from the gutter. i came up eating oodles of noodles and such and now i don't have to do that, but if i have to ever go back to it, it won't kill me because i have been there. they haven't.' that is so true. use to really have to struggle, but it was those times that we found our true friends and real love and bonded so well. my mama always said if your want to know who your real friends are, get sick or be broke. it will show and she was right. no we are making our way into society. we don't have to at oodles of noodles anymore or share one plate of food with 3 people, but we will never forget what's it's like to have to do that. whereas chris' friends are yuppies in training, as frank puts it. it's very funny. they are the nicest people, but really, being with them is kinda like watching an episode of melrose place. the most down to earth of them all is deena. she can keep it real, but the rest of them are just like 'oh my god, there's a spot on my shoe. what do i do?' it's quite funny. but we love them all. we won't forget where we came from.

i love the first three business days of the month. those are my easiest days. why? i don't have much to do except back date stuff. i don't put anything through unless it definitely has to go in for a reason for the next month. most of all my other stuff is already been put through, so it's all good.

damn, i just remembered, i have to do my avon order today.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave