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2001-10-19 - 12:16 p.m.

i am starving. i have been starving since last saturday. i have no idea why. this is so not like me. what is going on with me? insanity and i cannot take it anymore. so now i am eating french fries and chicken fingers....oh, and a 20oz thing of orange cranberry juice. i love that so much. it's got a weird tangy sweet (but not too sweet) taste to it. like when i am at my apartment, i want something like that, but in food form. i want something...but i can never figure out what i want. odd, very odd.

you thought that was strange, no, this is strange. i hung out with the GERMANS last night and without v. that shocked me. the entire night i was just like, she needs to be here. it's just not right. we went to this club called artistika. i later learned that it was underground. i have never been to an underground club. i guess that would be a perfect place for a old school rave. anyway, my neighbor, justin, was the dj and he came over to my apartment around 9:00p.m. to invite us. i thought that was really nice of him. ladies got in free, so there was no reason we couldn't go. it was crazy though. (i am not getting off the subject) i talked to my friend mahar last night. he called b/c he just got to g'boro with his wife, rana, and friend safeek (sp) yes, jezzie, it's the same guy. well, i was asking him how people were doing and i asked about his friend from turkey, osgun. he said he would see her today. i get to artistika and i see this girl that looks very familiar only to find out it was osgun. we laughed and talked like old friends and i only met her once. it's really a small world because she is friends with my neighbor raz. she, osgun, tells me that mahar was supposed to be coming there, but they first went to the corner bar. i still do not understand that, but to each his or her own. anyway, some of the people from the party last weekend were at the club. raz, of course, the crazy guy who danced to the john cougar melloncamp song and one of the girls from tailand, tammie. it was really fun. my friend kamilah came later and we danced on the dance floor. it was funny because later raz told me justin was glad we came because if it wasn't for us, no one would be on the dance floor. he played some good music. he even played some crazy club song i have not heard in years, i am talking about high school. 'you gotta lick it, before we kick it.' i was like, whoa. i think i may have been the only person there who remembered that song. that song outted me as a club kid last night. i was waiting for bizarre inc. at any moment.

so, last night was really fun. then i came home and went to bed before 1:20a.m. not too bad. but when i woke up this morning, i felt really bad. i only drank one drink all night long so i couldn't understand. i remember it was 7:15a.m. and i was just laying in my bed contemplating on whether i was going to work or not. finally i got up and got dressed and left before i usually do. don't ask me how, it just happened. so i decide i was gonna get breakfast at work this morning b/c they have omelettes today. tell me why i got up there and the line was way too long and the guy making the omelettes, was new and the omelettes were about the size of my hand. not cute. if i am paying $3.00 for an omelette, it better be the size of my FACE! so i made him make mine bigger. i got to my desk and start eating. first i must say i inspect my food thoroughly before i put it in my mouth. the edges of that bad boy was done, but the middle was not. so i took it to the microwave. tell me why after 1 minute, the cheese had sizzled through the styrofoam container, but the egg STILL was not done all the way. it turned my stomach so bad, i had to just throw it all away. i do not eat things that are slimy and uncooked eggs are.

kamilah wants me to go with her tonight to club 5th seasons. i don't know. right now, all i want to do is put my fuzzy p.j.'s on and go back to bed with kevin. i love kevin. he has been with me through think and thin and he will never leave me. so what, he can't see anymore...i still love him. him and puffy and big bird. as you have deducted, i hope, kevin is my teddy bear since 8th grade. puffy is my stuffed baby rottweiler since 21 years old and big bird is big bird. they protect me all the time.

well, i think i have babbled enough and it is now time to go back to work. is today over yet?

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave