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so much to say

2001-10-08 - 12:29 p.m.

well, it's my usual diary writing time. i don't really have much to say now. i am really....revived, i guess that is the only word i could use to explain the way i feel right now.

i am very dressed up today, as far as i am concerned. don't get me wrong, i don't come to work looking like who done it, but at the same time, i don't want to dress like my mom. i looked down at myself today and realized that, yes, i indeed and dressing like my mother. i have on the pale green dress blouse she bought me when i lived at home years ago, a pleated black and white plaid skirt, (i guess that's how you spell it), black tights and black heels. well, the shoes are the only way you know i am not my mom. they have the huge heel and are pretty much platforms. my trade mark, i tell you. oh yeah, i have my hair back in a ball: like the stereotypical school teacher. my roommate told me i looked like one last night. well, you know what? i don't mind so much being dressed up now. it kinda suits my image, with me being 25 now and all.

i am going to redo the front of my hair tonight....well, that is my intention. this week, i have lots of things i plan to do. i have my hair to do, as i have mentioned, cleaning my room, but i think that is a weekend thing, finish reading the e. lynn harris book which i am so into now, sorry v., and most importantly, i need to study my LOMA. i am scared. my exam is in 3 weeks. i have looked at none of the book. there will be 75 multiple choice questions on there. it's about insurance. it's true, i do work for an insurance company, but i work in the finance department. unless there are going to be questions on there about suspense, the general ledger, GEAC, LIFECOMM, recons or things of that nature, i am going to have to put the pedal to the metal. last semester when i took the last course, i think i waited until 3 weeks before the exam to even start studying and it worked, so maybe i will do it again this time. i have 4 or the previous test to study from so at least i got that. don't worry, i will be doing some serious praying as well.

my boss just gave me my evaluation form i need to have filled out by wednesday. i hate those things. i do not like self evaluation forms becuase you never know what the right thing to put down is. i am just going to sit down with my boss and make him help me do it. i need an objective point of view on this. he always helps us. it's on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest. i will just give myself a 3 on everything and he knows that. he makes me give myself higher marks on a lot of stuff, but he has to tell me to do it before i will.

you know, for someone who didn't really have much to say, i sure said a lot.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave