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don't ask me to TWIST hair!

2001-08-19 - 2:13 p.m.

i had to braid my friend's hair last night. i thought i was never going to finish. i finally did, at 3:00a.m. in the morning. that's what happens when you ask someone to help you do your hair, but it's in a style they are not used to. i can BRAID my hair. she wanted TWIST. those are two different things and they don't stay in too well, but that's neither here nor there, you know. i should be doing something to my hair, but you know what? i am just too damn lazy right now.

my little cousin is a freshman in college now and she starts classes tomorrow. she doens't think she is going to like the school, but i told her she needs to let the semester start first. besides, her mom says she has to stay here a semester, at least. she and her friend came by last night after they came back from wal-mart. they had groceries galore. i was like, damn! i only had oddles of noodles in my room and some nic-nacs on hand. she got a grocery store, and yeah, i know i didn't use a helping verb in this sentence. i hope she gets used to it. she has called me everyday. it's so sweet. i went through the same thing with my other younger, yet distance, cousin last year. at least with this cousin i am not afraid that she is going to take my cds and movies, like my other cousin. with this one, well, she is my mom's sister's kid, so i know where all my stuff will be. that and she is a very good and smart kid. she is kinda like me in the fact that she will not do anything that will disappoint her mom or make people think bad of her. that and the least little thing will make her cry. she's my girl.

i am so hungry now, but i am, again, too lazy to get my ass up and cook something. i never think about this when i am in the grocery store, but i always buy things that need to be cooked. i have no idea why, but that's probably why i always have food here. no one really wants to cook all the time, but i have to if i want to eat. i have learned that left overs are a god send. when i was younger, and i am talking about up until i was 22, i never ate left overs. growing up, anything that we didn't eat for dinner was thrown out because my dad didn't eat leftovers. it wasn't that we had it like that, it's just that my parents, both of them, were sons and daughters of share croppers/farmers, so they knew they would always have food to eat no matter what and they like fresh food. that plus the fact that back then, when the men came home, they wanted a hot meal and the women cooked it so they might as well cook something new, you know. it wasn't like they had a microwave or anything. it's all good, though. i have gotten modernized, a bit, so i eat left overs now.....but there is no way in hell anyone is getting me to eat a microwavable meal. i have eaten those before and they suck. you might as well go nibble on some cardboard, vomit. the closest i will get to a microwavable meal will be a hot pocket, but only the 4 cheese ones because i am not too fond of microwaveable meat, you know. it just doesn't sit right with me.

i think i might check my finances and see if i can order some chicken wings from dominoes. that sounds really good right about now. yeah, i think i might.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave