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bye, bye moped man/it's my day

2001-08-10 - 5:10 p.m.

this entire week has been awful, awful, awful. i got my very first migrane yesterday. i wanted to kill, kill, kill. but i just sat there, hurting, teary eyed and as quiet as possible. i didn't get to rest when i got home, no, i had to do the friend thing. i was in so much pain, but did i complain? nope, not once. i just held it all in and kept right on going. that is probably why i passed out last night. stress is a bitch, let me tell you.

i did see my friend last night. i was very happy that she came over. i didn't realize i missed her as much as i thought i did. her hair has grown so much. i was shocked. she is still the same, that's why i love her so much. she tries to keep me happy, and i her, so as long as we got that going on, we are alright.

today is my day. i have told my friends and family do not call or come over. i am glad i did this. i guess everyone needs that one day, or part of a day, where it's all about them. i don't get those and i think the migrane was telling me, 'hey, slow down. you can't make everyone happy without wearing yourself out, so make yourself happy.' so far, it's going well. i am off work and here at home by myself and the phone hasn't rang once. not only that, but the phone hasn't rang all day. i checked the caller i.d. and i have to tell this. moped man is now gone, yes, GONE! he tried to talk to me today and i acted if i was looking down on him. i mean, i lied to him, that's true, but he don't have to know that. i told him i have a man, big deal, and i don't. then he was still trying to get with me. so yes, i was looking down on him. there is no way that i want to hook up with him if he is that way. if he thinks i am dating someone and i am happy and i have told him this, what in the world makes him think i want him? why would he think i am the type of person that would do anything with him when if i am 'supposedly' with someone else? i just do not play that. so now, he is gone and i am happy. i didn't have to do what my two of my friends told me to do. one told me to bring a knife with me and tell him i would slit his throat and the other told me to cut his balls off, punch him to knock him off his moped, knock his glasses off, take his moped, run over his glasses and him then hide his moped. okay, people, that is just too much effort. i was able to be nice to him and get rid of him at the same time. gosh, i am good.

well, i suppose i must continue with my kim day. why is the phone ringing now? someone must have a death wish! okay, it was maher, so that's okay. he is down from new jersey to get his car. now i am going to start my day officially. it's after 5:00P.M., i am off work and it's friday. who says you can't have fun by yourself?

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave