Now § Then § Profile § Contact § Mothership § Guestbook


2001-08-07 - 5:13 p.m.

i am so happy, right now anyway. i just got off the phone with john g, my first roommate. i love him. he is moving back here in the fall. that is my boy.

check this out. this was my day. i first must say i sprained my ankle last night coming from nyp. i didn't realize it until last night when my ankle swole up. it was not pretty. so i slept with an ice pack in my ankle. now, morning time, i get up....scratch that. i hit the snooze button numerous times, then woke up and got ready. can i say that when i got out of the shower, it was 7:20a.m. i freaked out because usually i get out of the shower at 6:50a.m. i was really late. okay, i am on my way to work when i see my friend and we walk to work together. i didn't realize until later that i spilled coffee all over my WHITE blouse until i got ready to go to the nurse, yes, the nurse. i had coffee even on the sides of my blouse. so i go see the nurse, but she isn't in, so i have to see the doctor. he tells me i sprained my ankle and gives me horse pills to take and an ice pack. they could have at least been good pills, you know)so i am stuck at work with an ice pack on my leg, which is propped up on an up-side-down trashcan. this is not comfortable. i got no work done today, then i get home and find out one of my checks incurred an overdraft charge. my goodness, can my life get any better?

my friend klaus from germany called me today at work. i was so happy. i haven't talked to him in a while. he is so sweet. tomorrow is his last day at his job. he is quitting and going back to school. i know that's what he really wants to do because we have talked about it before in the past. he told me he dyed his hair red. he said it looks 'gay.' that made me laugh hysterically. that boy is so funny. he also informed me that he is going to try to come to here for his vacation in november. he asked me when i was coming to see him. i told him i have to think about it. he said he already has the guest room ready. now if that ain't sweet, i don't know what is. i like talking to him. he gives me warm fuzzies.

well, i have to go. frank will be here in about 30 minutes and we are going to the coffee house, followed by dinner at ricky and jody's apartment. this should be anb very interesting night. i will be home and asleep before late tonight. this is the last night cheryl will be here, so i have to spend some time with her. i mean, she is my girl, you know.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave