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we made it to charleston, south carolina

Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 - 11:03 a.m.

well, i am in charleston. i'm having the time of my life. the friends i am staying w/ are really happy we're here and we've been partying for a while. i love it. i have missed them so much. ally is so tan. i just so happy to be here now. every night i go to bed, i, pretty much, pass out b/c we've had so much fun. we went to happy hour yesterday. i realize i do not like the beer that is brewed down here. it sucks. they didn't have newcastle at this place or birra morretti. oh well.

while we're down here, we're going to ft. sumter. i'm excited about that. today we get to go shopping!!! we were going to the beach, but it's raining on and off again, so we'll do that later this week.

well, i had better go. coffee is brewing and need some to get myself up! until later...

oh yeah, i almost forgot one of the most important things...

I GOT THE NEW 311 ALBUM!!! yes, evolver is in hand. it was crazy, i went in and looked everywhere for the album and i couldn't find it whatsoever. then i asked the lady at the front and she looked in the computer and said there should be two left. we still couldn't find it. then we asked the other sales guy and he said there weren't anymore. i was so upset...i knew i was going to have to think of where else it would be. then, just as i was about to get in the car (my foot was already in the car) the sales guy came out yelling 'we found one, we found one!' can i tell you i ran back in there and almost started screaming! he had searched for another cd and he found the last one in the store. how cool is that! i was so happy and yes, we listened to the EVOLVER all the way to charleston.

i think i'll go listen to it again now.

music in my head: creatures (for a while)-311

what i'm doing now: drinking coke
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave