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it's amazing how one good thing can turn your day around

Wednesday, Apr. 30, 2003 - 6:22 p.m.

oh my god, my eyes are going to fall out. i'm serious. my allergies are killing me, killing me, killing me. this zyrtec is only helping so much. but i shoudln't complain. w/o it, i wouldn't have been able to put my contacts in this morning. yeah, so it took me 3 tries, but i got them in. i should have known. when i took them out last night, it felt like someone was pouring hot sauce in my eyes...yeah, took them out.

i'll have to type fast b/c ricky is coming over. he'll yell if i'm on the computer. that and i have to fax this lady my avon order. yes people, that is my big addiction, i have to get avon constantly. and God forbid there's a sale in that book....i go crazy, i'm telling you, absolutely crazy.

last night was so it started yesterday. i could not get myself together for work. i ended up calling and telling them i would be there late. i got to work at 8:40a.m. i ended up calling my mom to ask her..are you ready? i had to ask her about the rules for white shoes. look, i was not about to walk out of this apartment w/ white shoes on and i shouldn't have them on. let's just say, i'm waiting till after memorial day. i know some people say easter, but i'm being on the safe side. my work day was horrible, as well. my boss kept picking on me. finally, i just yelled at him to leave me alone. keeping in mind that i work in corporate america, all he did was laugh at me. i knew this ahead anyway. i put a pork roast in the oven for tonight's dinner...this was late night, now. i set my alarm clock to wake me up at 1:00a.m. how about my allergies were kicking my butt so bad, i heard NOTHING. i woke up at 4:47a.m. and smelled pork. i was like, damn! fortunately, i turned the oven down for this roast, so when i went to check on it, all the water was gone, but the roast was not harmed. no big deal. i just turned the oven off and went back to bed.

this morning i decided i was going to be at work early. well, i didn't get there as early as i wanted, but i was there early all the same. just my luck, the system didn't come up until 9:00a.m. i was pissed off. oh no, it gets worse. then i realized i left my cell phone on the charger this morning and if things couldn't get worse, i walked out of the bathroom, the door hit me on the ass and tore my freaking skirt! yes, i was no a happy camper. the running joke at work was 'she's really showing her butt today.' i could have cried...but instead i called my mom and she gave me sympathy.

maybe the fates took pity on me, i don't know. but after lunch, things got a little better. my sinuses aren't hurting so bad. i left work almost on time and yes, this is the last day of the month, my personal hell day. and when i got home, i checked my mailbox and there were two funny looking envelopes in there. i opened them and....yes! money. i was very happy about that. my rebate from my pager. now, i would get rid of it now, but i actually use it b/c of my cousin. however, i may get rid of my mom's. she never uses it.

so now i'm having a pretty alright time. i do have to go. still have to e-mail the avon lady and catch up on my general hospital. today is the day the shit hits the fan. i am going to write another entry...probably this weekend. it's gonna be about what happened monday night. i haven't told many people about it. the ones i have told...well, they have very strong reactions to what i did, or rather who was over. i had a phone call when i got home concerning that very issue that really makes me think. why do people lie? and why is it so hard to figure out who is lying? i hate that b/c i don't lie. i would much rather hurt someone's feelings w/ the truth than tell a lie. it's causes so much more trouble in the long run b/c when you tell one, you have to keep it up. oh well, gotta check the roast again. until later.

music in my head: man of constant sorrow-soggy bottom boys

what i'm doing now: checking the roast
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave