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the church

Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 - 3:49 p.m.

well, i went to church today, but i just wasn't feeling it. they had holy communion and i didn't take it there. i'm really funny about a lot of things and that's one of the things i'll only do at my home church. it bothered me how it was done, though. i talked to my mom about it when i got home and she told me it's all in what you're used to and how you're brought up. i didn't take communion at my old roommate's church either a few years ago...actually, i never went back to that church again b/c it was too weird. i called it a cult.

anyway, i was telling my mom the differences in what i experienced today and how my church does things. i've always said i'm not very good w/ change. this totally wigged me out, though. i'm used to the minister reading from matthew, no luke...then again, i'm used to the minister actually reading from the bible during communion. at this church, the minister had a hunk of bread that he tore off and gave to the people at the alter w/ his bare hands and ate it then. the people went up a few at a time and went back to their seats. i was blown away and just sat in my seat and watched. this is VERY different from our church. here's how we do it. communion is considered to be extremely sacred in our church, so the missionaries and mothers of the church all wear white. the deacons and ministers all go to the front of the church where everything is set up. they are the ones that serve one is allowed to get up to leave during communion and no talking. deacons and ministers, b/c they are serving us, HAVE to wear white gloves. you are not allowed to touch the wine or the bread w/ your bare hands unless you are taking it for yourself. everyone must be served. while this is going on, 'i know it was the blood' is usually sung. after the congregation and choir has been served, the ministers serve the deacons, and then theirselves. they are not allowed to serve themselves. after this, the pastor reads from matthew, the last supper. everyone eats and drinks at the same time. after all this is done, one of the older deacons always sings an OLD hymn from long ago. it requires no organ or piano and is sung very slow. my favorite part of this is as the song is being sung, everyone walks around doing this extremely slow handshake to the tempo of the song. you can tell it's a very old tradition. i think it says in the bible, after they supped and sang a hymn, they went out to the mt. of olive. just in case anyone wants to read about it, it's in matthew 26: 20-30.

i told my mom i was going home the first sunday in april to take communion. i'm not too keen on going to other churches during communion. i've always been that way. don't know why. also, i was told a long time ago by my pastor that you should always be prepared for it..communion. don't take it if you know in your heart that you have not asked for forgiveness. that is all you need to do. don't hold grudges and then take communion b/c it's not right. let go and let God...that's what i was always taught and i believe it.

well, that's my church experience today. it was funny, as i was coming home today, i passed the church right by my apartment. i was very tempted to go in. they started service the same time the church i went to did...but they were just getting into it...that's why i am used to. yes, i did say i was tempted to go in b/c they sounded like they were having a wonderful time...but they are a holiness church and i've had my experiences at holiness churches and have opted not to go there again. oh, i neglected to add, i knew there would be differences as far as the church i go to here compared to my church. first of all, here i go to a white church, but my home church is a black church. also, i'm missionary baptist and this church is united methodist. now you ask, why do i go to this church if there are so many differences...well, before i didn't go to any church here at all b/c i never found one where i really felt at home. i don't really feel at home here, but the people are nice and when i got there, it gives me something to think about. but it also makes me appreciate my church a whole lot more. but also, it doesn't matter what denomination i am, the sole purpose of both churches is the same...

worship and lift of the name of the Lord. Selah.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave