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how odd am i

Thursday, Oct. 24, 2002 - 12:55 p.m.

well, i haven't updated in ages, so i thought it was about time that i did. there's really not much to talk about. i'll be going to see Bjorn Again next wednesday. november 18th i'm going to see Ash and Saves the Day. that should be a pretty good show.

last night i had a funny conversation w/ one of my friends about orgasms. we were trying to explain to each other what having one felt like....he's a boy and i'm a girl, obviously. it's not easy trying to experience an orgasm through words...i tried to do it for him, but that didn't work either. i thought about this all morning and now i am on a mission. i am going to ask different people to explain what having an orgasm feels like. it's not an easy job, i'll tell you that much, but i know it can be done...the explaining, not the having the orgasm. i don't want this to be anything pornographic or anything...just something very descriptive so someone who has never had one could know how it feels. the bottom line is, i want to know how a guy feels and i want my friend to know how i girl feels. i know, sounds kinda freak, but we're just very inquisitive people, no joke.

i have become obsessed w/ my clarinet again. well, my mom let my cousin borrow it years ago and i never got it back. i found my marching band music the other night and now i want to learn how to play it again. that's going to be another one of my missions. my clarinet used to be my life. i also got on my latin kick again. i found one of my latin III projects. it was the diary of a pregnant woman in the last days of Rome. i will never forget, my latin teacher told me had i gave it to her on time, i would have been the one to win the latin scholarship. oh well, so goes the story of my life. she loved that project...she thougth it was awesome. i also found the children's book my group made when i was in latin I and the one i made by myself in latin III. it was amazing to see how far i came, how much i learned. it was all written in latin. ahhh, to go back in time when i was young, smart and creative. now i am a boring old sap who's stuck in coporate america and has the life slowly drained out of her. oh joy!

well, i suppose i had better get back to work now. i am doing expenses, again, and i have a meeting at 3:00p.m. just so you know, i hate meeting w/ a passion. i will attempt to update tomorrow. i may as well. my boss is leaving to go play golf!

music in my head: space oddity-david bowie

what i'm doing now: having a tummy ache
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave