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my special day

Friday, Sept. 06, 2002 - 12:42 p.m.

well, yes, today is the day. i have finally made it to 26. i watched the clock this morning and got ready for work, but made sure i was standing there at 7:14a.m. then, as i always do every year, i said, 'i am now officially 26.' it felt pretty good to say it. i normally get depressed on my b-day, but for some reason, i'm excited. ricky keeps telling me 'it's the small things that count.' i have no idea what that means, none whatsoever. but i do know he, frank and jody are taking me out to dinner....they just won't tell me where. now, i like surprises and all, but i think i am going to have an anxiety attack trying to figure out where i am going for dinner. i have been told this is going to be one of my best birthdays...i hope so. i figure as long as i am with my friends and the people that love me, all will be well.

in other news, today is the last day i will be at my current location at work. we are all moving on monday to the 11th floor. it's gonna be crazy. we have been setting our desks up and everything. i can't wait to get up there now and get everytying in order. we already took our plants and pictures up. it already feels like home. i think it's the excitement of the move that's getting to me now.

well, i suppose i had better get back to getting all the rest of my stuff together. i want to go ahead and thank everyone who wished me happy birthday and signed my guestbook. it really makes me feel loved. not only do i have my family at home (including my friends who i consider my family as well), but i also have my dairyland family. makes a girl feel special. ta-ta.

music in my head: FREAK OUT-311

what i'm doing now: singing happy birthday
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave