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i need a break from my family

Saturday, Apr. 13, 2002 - 10:59 p.m.

it's almost over. yes, this weekend. i am so glad, too. furniture market is next weekend and i usually go home for that, but damn, i will just stay in my apartment. some time tomorrow i will be back in my apartment, thank god. i love my family, as you all know, but damn, i can only take so much of them and 3 consecutive weekends of this is way too much for me. i need some time to miss them, you know. but i will say i do miss somethings about it. like now, my dad just got home not too long ago and he is hungry. instead of fixing something for himself, like i would have to do if i were at home, he goes to the grocery store, buys some fish and is now cooking it for everyone. yes, those of you who really know me know that my dad is known for his cooking of fish. hell, there are some people over in japan that are in love with my daddy's cooking. but he is my daddy and tonight everyone can be envious of me b/c i am gonna chow down in about 30 minutes.

let me tell you about my day...well, it started last night. my mom tells me my dad is coming to get me after work. that's after 11:00p.m. i kept getting e-mails from my cousin in georgia. her grandma passed thursday night and she was coming down for the funeral. (this is my cousin who was in the army) when i get home and check my messages (23 of them), i find out that shannon, my cousin, is getting a ride from someone to g'boro to my place. from there, she was going to call her brother to come get her. okay, i was like, whoa. i see a georgia area code on my caller id, so i call that number and got her. she asked was it okay. of course, i said yes, i mean, they were already in s.carolina.

so she gets to my place before 9:00p.m. i had yet to pack and wash my hair before leaving. she left home so quickly that she forgot to bring the baby's bottle liners. cheryl took her to the store which meant i had to watch little christopher. that is the cutest little kid...and he loves me. can you believe it, we didn't argue one time yesterday. that was a first. my dad comes to pick us up and it take us all to the grove, which is where my parents live and shannon's grandparents live.

then we get to this morning. my mom kept coming into my bedroom doing something on the computer. all i could remember was she kept talking about the printer not printing. i woke up at 11:52a.m. not good. today was the day the neices and nephew (my brother) were taking pictures. we were supposed to be there at 1:15p.m. i then realized that i can find no one. i went ahead and got ready. at 12:30p.m. i take my dad's keys and go looking for my parents. the little bit i got out of my brother was that they had gone to get their taxes done. i was hot b/c no one told me anything and i had no idea where the picture place was. there was much confusion. i get to hillsborough only to pass my parents going home. i blew the horn. i should have known my dad wasn't going to pay any attention. i had to drive all the way back to my parent's house. we get there and i am hurrying everyone. we were gonna be late. i gave my dad his keys and listen to him fuss at me b/c i wasn't dressed up. i tried to explain to him the picture was only going to show from the waist up, but he wasn't hearing me. if anyone knows my dad, you know when he starts fussing, your best bet is to shut up b/c you cannot win. that is the only person i will be quiet one else. i know i am too much like him.

so we take the pictures and then we all go eat at pan-pan. my dad's family is so funny, but they can be mean sometimes. they are nice to everyone, but if you piss them off or something, they will be the first to strike at you, insultingly, with the first thing they can. my uncle james went up to the buffet to get some ribs. they lady behind the counter put the ribs on his plate, then took some off. he looked at her like she was crazy...he got back to the table and started in on her. "...that damn chinese woman up there took my rib back. she don't know who she is messing with! she just don't know. i am paying for this damn food....." i looked at uncle james, shook my head and stopped him. "uncle james, they aren't chinese people up there, they are mexican." everyone at the table laughs at uncle james. of course, his response is "i don't care what the hell they are, they don't need to be messing with my food like that. you put 3 ribs on the plate, leave 'em there." that was too funny. then my aunt roberta and aunt phyllis ordered from the menu and waited 45 minutes for their food only to find out the waitress never put it in. the hostess had to do everything for this woman. my aunt roberta is my dad's oldest sister and she is like the mother of the family now. what she says goes. she was about to show out. every single one of us, all 11 people, stopped and stared. aunt roberta does not get loud and when she does, oh hell, watch out. after we had eaten out shitty food, we stood in line to pay. we waited forever and they didn't even give us all our tickets. to put it directly and to the point, my mom, brother and cousin walked out w/o paying. it was shitty service, they were rude and they never gave them a ticket and they waited for 10 minutes.

after there, we left and went to the bowling alley. we all know how much i hate bowling. it was awful. my little 10 year old newphew was macking up on some girls my age that my brother and 16 year old cousin was trying to get with. too funny. but as for me...i was doing awful at bowling. they wouldn't even let me have the gutter guards up. i am an adult, they said. whatever. when i bowled, they would all turn their heads away in shame. i just wanted to take care of the baby, but no, i had to bowl. the only person who even attempted to give me bowling advice or help me was my sister's friend ty. she was the sweet one. she was like 'put some force behind it!' and it would go right in the gutter. 'maybe if you smile and put some effort into it, it would do something.' so i did, and it went right in the gutter. bowling is just not my forte.

after everything, i we left and came home and it was so hot in this house that i went right to sleep. i woke up a few hours ago and not i can't go back to sleep. i figure now i will attempt to call jezzie and tell her about my crazy dream that sent me to my mama's bedroom. and you know something? when i was on my parent's bed, i was staring at the wall and noticed my dad still has the father's day card that me and my brother made for him when i was in elementary school. i think that card is over 15 years old. the white paper is turning brown and worn on the edges, but he won't take it down for anything.

well, i smell the fish and i think it's calling me. my dad will call me soon. i am out.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave