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ain't it grand?

Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2002 - 12:43 p.m.

well, the party last night was a success. i was shocked. ricky had no idea. i just knew something would go wrong, but it didn't. and my girl katie even came. i was so happy to see her. i didn't think she would make it. ricky hid his face behind his jacket, too. i think he was gonna cry. that makes me feel good. jody and i bickered all night long, as usual, but that's just us. frank was so funny. he just sat there or stood there very quietly blending in. then out of the blue....BAM! he would get my 'tankee' or feel me up. i think one time he evern, slyly, gave me a freaking wet willie. i do not like those things, but frank is a pro at giving them. damn his black heart.

and when i left the party, i came home and studied for my LOMA study group today, yes i did. aren't you proud of me? i didn't think i was gonna be able to do it, but i did. i am taking care of business.

but today...oh, it hasn't been pretty. let's see, when i woke up, i felt like crap. that's why you shouldn't smoke kb before going to bed. (bad me!) i didn't even get dressed until 7:35a.m. but i did start a load of dishes in the dishwasher and clean up the kitched and study more for LOMA. i got to work a little late. but this is when it hit me how bad my day was going. at 8:17a.m. when i pulled my shoes out of my bag, i realized i that picked up two different shoes. i have always been afraid of, it happened. the sandals look identical except for the fact that one had one diagonal strap across my foot and the other has two criss-crossed straps running diagonal across my foot. i feel like a big ol dork patty. then i go to LOMA and realize that as we are going over the questions, i am looking at the wrong chapter so i totally messed up chapter 11. then i get back to my desk only to have the secretary tell me the avp, jody, wants our entire team to go to lunch at houlihans. just so you know, i hate having lunhc with my whole team, but at least pick a restaurant i like and one that doesn't cost a crap load. i think she forgets we all don't have money like that, you know. i knew what time we were supposed to leave, so right as the time got nearer, i went up to ricky's desk and cried and complained to him. he showed me no love. he told me to go home, but stop acting like a baby. the bitch. i stopped the water works and told him i only was trying to get way from my boss. i thought i was in the clear...but as i got back to the 8th floor, they were all waiting. i just told them i felt like crap...and asked for a tylenol or something. it worked and i didn't have to go. but my excuses are running slim now.

so that is my crappy day so far. ain't it just grand?

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave