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death: a crazy turn of events

Thursday, Apr. 04, 2002 - 12:59 p.m.

as dmx said in one of his songs, if something can go wrong, it does. i don't think i have talked too much about ma farley. she is my uncle denis' mother. she is one of the people i went to see at the hospital this past weekend when i went home. she had congenital heart failure, fluid around her lungs and pneumonia. did i mention she was 84 years old and never was in the hospital a day in her life. never. she was a minister too. she was kinda like our other grandmother when my mom's mother passed. she was so sweet. anyway, my mom called to tell me she just passed this morning. it made me cry, of course, because i just saw her on sunday. she wasn't doing very well then. they knew she wasn't going to hold on much longer. the crazy thing was sunday was her last coherant day. actually, when my parents and i were there, that was probably the last thing she remembered. they told us she kept repeating 'phine, you didn't call me. i was waiting for you to call me' over and over again. that's my mom who she was talking about, josephine. i remember as we were about to leave, i leaned down, gave ma farley a big kiss and said 'i love you.' she turned to me, looked me dead in the eyes and said 'i love you too, baby.' i just told my mom that a few minutes ago on the phone. they didn't think she was coherant enough to respond. she was. so there is one less wonderful being left on this earth. my mom was saying she won't be at our family functions anymore. she and my graddaddy, my dad's father, were buddies. i love the way she took everyone in. you know, this past year for her birthday, she threw her own birthday party. she called different ones, told them to bring food and told them where to come and it was big. that women knew what she was doing. i am going to miss her greatly.

so i guess this weekend is going to be one where i will rush back to g'boro sooner than later. i do not deal well with death. no, i will not be staying for the funeral. i just can't do it. the one thing i remember my mom telling me about her while she was in the hospital is that she kept reaching for the sky, like she was grabbing for something, and she kept looking up. then she kept talking about how beautiful is was. well, at least i know she is in a better place where she will have no more pain.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave