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311 in two has finally set in

Thursday, Mar. 14, 2002 - 10:29 a.m.

okay, the excitement has finally set in. yep, it has really hit home that in two days i will be seeing 311 once again. i feel like i am going to throw up. that might have something to do w/ the bacon, egg and cheese biscuit i had about an hour ago, but the excitement plays a bigger part in it. that is all i have thought about. i feel the need to get some caffeine, but i fear i will go through the roof if i do. i suppose i will sit here and be fidgety instead.

ricky came over last night and i got a super back rub/ massage/ tickle. it was the best. actually, i got two. he did it for about 15 minutes or so the first time, which was before six feet under came on. then after it went off, i told him he needed to finish he did. love that back rub. i feel like a new person. i even slept better, and i didn't get much sleep. yes, it's my time to do my hair again and i started last night. actually, my hair isn't finish now. the part that isn't braided is up in a pony tail surrounded by braided hair. you can't even tell.

eveyone who has ever spent the night with me knows i am totally a music person. i can go for forever w/o t.v., but not w/o music. and when i have a certain music group i am into, i play it out to the fullest extent and never get tired of it. it's true. for instance, 311 (like you didn't know i was going to say that). i once played the same cd every single day for two months. keep in mind during this time i didn't watch t.v., no even videos, and i don't listen to the radio or read the paper. just the same 21 songs on the transistor album for two months straight. my roommmate was going crazy, but i didn't care.

now, as of last night, i have gone into 311 overdrive. yeah. i have gone through all their cd's (cause you know i have them all), and i will keep going through them until i run out of energy. i listen to them in my sleep. yeah, right now from chaos is in the cd player. before that, omaha sessions. i love that cd. it's their OLD stuff and it's so totally raw. but when i get home, i am going to listen to the cd's for ETSD 1&2. love them both.

well, i had better get back to work. maybe if i can get my mind off the fact that in two days i will be seeing my boys again, i won't get so naseous. yeah, just two days until we can all do the happy slam dance together.

oh, i forgot to mention my little nephew is getting baptized this weekend and i HAVE to go to that. so i will get back home from the concert around 2:00a.m. or so and get ready to leave to go to my parent's house at 7:00a.m. no sleep for the kid, here. i will probably drop when i get back home sunday evenging. alright, back to work.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave