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queen lingo/ 15-20 hours/season premiere

Monday, Mar. 04, 2002 - 12:13 p.m.

check this out. i finally get googled....and i can't understand it b/c it was in spanish. go figure. all that time in high school and college i spent putting forth all my efforts in latin and it's doing me no good. oh well.

this was a pretty low key weekend, but i had fun, at least. friday wasn't that good. i was supposed to go to some comedy thing with kamilah, but i didn't really feel like going anywhere. my cousin shannonw was in town and an old friend, william-a durhmite, called and wanted to come to g-boro. i was like, yeah. i never get to see either of them, so i decided to let kamilah know i couldn't go out with her on friday. for some reason, she wasn't there when i left the message on her voice mail. from my answering machine, i figure she didn't get the message until after it was too late. then again, i didn't particularly want to go to this place after i found out it was a restaurant and it cost $10.00 to get in and they were just playing reggae music. well, as it happened, i didn't do much at all that night. i didn't feel too well and ended up taking a nap which turned into a dead sleep. go figure. i felt like shit warmed over.

saturday was better. i bought another cordless phone. i know, $80.00 is too much for one phone, but it's so cool. i just love it. chris came over later and put my phone together and instructed me not to touch it for 15 to 20 hours. i got so sick and tired of that phrase...but it was funny. every time i picked up the instruction book, he would say, 'you have 15 to 20 hours to read that.' okay, so it was funny after a while. it go to the point where i was scared to touch or even look at the phone for fear i would hear chris pop out of nowhere saying, '15 to 20 hours.' then, when i could actually pick it up...i was too nervous. yes, chris even called me yesterday afternoon to make sure i wasn't on the phone. i love that boy. but enough about my phone.

saturday night we chilled at my place, me, chris, chip and...cheryl. yes, i was shocked as well. chris was like, i am tired, so i guess i will go home...unless y'all want to get a drink at fisher's??? okay, so we jumped at the opportunity to go out. we got to fisher's, but they were closed. so we went to the flat iron. we sat at the bar and drank. can i tell you, people, we had the best time. cheryl was even talking and laughing. well, i am talking to chris when all of a sudden, i feel someone's had on my back in my hair. i think it's chip, so i don't even miss a beat in talking and ignore him. then i hear him laughing and i turn and there is some strange lady stroking my hair. we all turn to look at her. i just smile at her and try to find out why she is stroking me. keep in mind, i have really long braids that extend to my butt. they are really small and i get compliments on them alot, so this was nothing new to me. i'll put a picture up soon and show everyone. well, the lady starts to tell me how she loves my hair and she can't stop touching it and how beautiful i am. then she says she's been drinking tequila and she is normally not like this. i was like, it's alright. now problem. i like compliments just as much as the next person. so she goes away. i am finishing my beer and the bartender comes up to me and gives me another beer. i look at her funny and she says, 'compliments of the lady right over here.' and she points to the stroker. i smiled and said thank you. chip, cheryl and chris all look at me flabbergasted and start whining, 'i never get people to buy me drinks. this always happens to you when we go out. it's not fair,' boo-hoo-hoo. go cry me a river. i never go out expecting anyone to get me anything. if they do, fine, if they don't i am still going to be all good.

well, after that littel scene, this older black guy comes up to me and cheryl and starts talking. i had already talked to this guy earlier that night. i was singing otis redding-sitting on the dock of the bay, and he asked me what i knew about this song. i told him i used to steal my dad's tapes and sing them. he asked me how old i was and i told him...25. he was like, lord, i am old enough to be your daddy. i just laughed. then the commodores came on and he was like, you don't know nothing about this, girl. he was really funny. what he didn't know was, i clicked with him on another level b/c i clocked him when i first came in the bar, even though no one else did. so we drink some more, then it was time to leave. as i am paying my tab, this other black guy comes up out of nowhere. he asks me my name and i will never forget his name. franz. his name was the same as one of the sigma's on uncg's campus. we talked for a bit while the older black guy was talking to cheryl. i looked over at her and could see she was getting nervous. time for me to take over and do my thing. i had to rescue her, but she her there was nothing for her to be rescued from, b/c i knew something none of my friends knew about these men. as cheryl and i get together, i notice these two guy we are talking to are friends. who? franz looked at me and was like, 'you are beautiful, honey, so beautiful. you could be a model.' i looked at him and laughed b/c we all know that is so not true. but i humored him b/c i had to show cheryl there was nothing to fear. he kept going on and on about me and my hair and the other guy chimes in with him and started telling cheryl she was pretty. i felt enough time had gone by that i could let cheryl in on the little tidbit of information. i went from my normal self shall i put it...queen mode. yes, honey, these were black queens and i speak fluent queen. cheryl knew as soon as i chaned my demeanor what was up and she started laughing so hard. i didn't offend them, mind you, just spoke their lingo. it sounded something like 'trust, thank you, honey. yes, girl. i know, i know. serve the children, serve 'em. yes, child, i will keep on being beautiful, i ain't got no other choice, i am black, trust. you too, honey.' and they knew that i knew and we parted as true divas should, with the hand in the air. it was so funny. i havne't had to do that in ages. when we all got outside, we all bursted out laughing. cheryl was in awe, yet again. how could i possibly change in the blink of an eye? she forgets half of my cousins are queens from durham, hahaha. that was a truly fun night, purely spontaneous. i loved it.

yesterday, the big thing was celebrating 4:20p.m., haha, and getting ready for six feet under and queer as folk. you know how you can watch a show the first season and you are so excited about the next season b/c the first one was so good and you have all these high expectations...but when you see the season premiere, you are like, wtf? well, i was told that's how the sopranos was and i know that's how queer as folk was for me, although it has gotten better. well, they had the countdown for six feet under. i was hoping against all hope that it wouldn't disappoint me. well, you know what happened? I GOT MORE INTO IT THAN I EVER THOUGHT I COULD! oh my god, that show rocked. it was funny, yet say, yet serious....every emotion you can think of....even insanity. and next week's episode is going to be even better. the guy, gab, is cute, the girl, claire, is cute, nate it hot, and so is brenda....i could talk about this all day...but i must get back to work.

so that was my weekend. pretty good for a completely spontaneous weekend.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave