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2001-11-27 - 12:41 p.m.

i am too tired now. i don't really have much of a reason to be tired, i just am. i went to sleep at a decent hour last night, so i should be fine. i am not anywhere near as bad as i was yesterday. food was not something i could manage to get in me. it seemed like the worse day of my life. honestly. i finally was able to eat a bowl of noodles with so much water in it, there might as well not have been a seasoning packet. i didn't realize until i got home that i didn't have any chicken noodle soup and it was $1.19 a can across the street. highway robbery, if you ask me. oh yeah, i drank some gatorade. boy did i drink gatorade. i can now honestly say i am sick of that mess. red, orange and 'fierce grape' gatorade. we all know the only good gatorade is the blue raspberry. and if you HAVE to drink gatorade, you drink the orange kind because that has been there since the beginning of time, i tell you. anyway, now i have my appetite back, thank god. i am eating a subway sandwich. it seems to be too much meat on this sandwhich, but i will just throw some away. this is my first bit of solid food since i have been sick, so let's hope it stays down. even though i feel my tummy doing crazy things now, i will eat it...if i get sick, i go home, simple as that.

my boss let me have the day after christmas off so i don't have to rush back home to get to work the next day. i am glad, super glad, if truth be told. you never know what can happen during christmas. i could meet the man of my dreams...right, whatever. i will meet my cousin who i have never heard of before b/c my uncle cheated on my aunt. isn't that just special.

last night was so weird. i was told by numerous people to just go home and go to bed. don't answer the phone. well, people, can we say i didn't get a change NOT to answer my phone. and no, it wasn't cheryl who was talking to me. tell me why when i got home, kamilah was there. i told her she could come over later, after her rehersal, to eat, but she was there before i got home, and you know i wasn't in any mood to be social. so she just started talking and i just ignored her. do you think that detered her? nope, not one little bit. so i just drank gatorade and her mouth kept moving. everything was okay, until she started talking about darnell. i just looked at her. she said something about him making breakfast for her. whoopee! she said she knew cheryl and i didn't want to hear about him anymore and i let her know she was so right. then she said something about her and darnell getting into an argument and i left the room. not trying to hear it. she is as stupid does and that entire situation is stupid and gay. so she goes into the bathroom and then ricky comes over and kamilah had to leave for rehersal. oh, i missed a very important thing. before ricky even got there, there was a knock at my door. i thought it was ricky, so i opened the door and there was a black guy standing outside my door. i was like, who are you? he was like, kim, how are you? remember me? mark? i thought, this was the guy that cheryl was talking about came by before her party the other weekend. then i remembered him. that was the guy who jezzie and i met at the store across teh street my from my place. but why was her here? that was months ago. i had forgotten about him and written him off. i was shocked. he was dressed nice! he looked like he had just left the office and he was cleanly shaven and kinda cute. he was all smiling and everything. me? i was like, wow. but you see, i was the one at a disadvantage. not only did he catch me off guard, but i was so not dressed to see anyone b/c i didn't feel good. i had on the night shirt v. gave me..the red one with 'do not disburb' written on the front in cursive and some blue leggings. that was prime bed material, but this guy totally shocked me. he asked for my number again b/c he lost it and wanted to call me. he said he had come by my apartment a few times. stalker? possibly, you never know. anyway, he was cool..kinda cute...but still short.

so back to ricky. kamilah leaves, ricky invades my refridgerator for thanksgiving leftovers and then we go get in my bed and snuggle b/c we were both cold and tired. we watched buffy and he actually started geting into it. i told him those were the crappy episodes becauese they were a.a.: after angel. everytime i say something that he doesn't agree with, he says it's 'stupid and gay.' at first i ignored him, the first few times. then i was like, well, so are you? and he laughed. then i started saying it and soon it just slides out without you even knowing it. so that's another new phrase for me, peeps, stupid and gay. you can add other things in there too, but 'stupid and gay' are the main ones. obviously, you can only say this to certain people, definitely not anyone you don't know extremely well. (i said it to v. and she instantly started giggling) back to the story. so we watch the weakest link and it's the star trek episode. okay, let me say that they only had the next generation and voyager covered....okay, they had william shatner, but he sucks and he is always on game shows. i wanted data on there, but no, they had wil weaton. now He is stupid and gay! i have always hated him. well, it doesn't matter because levar burton, mr. giordi laforge, the reading rainbow king himself won. then we watched ab fab, which i always love. it was so funny. i think last night's episode was the funniest i have ever seen....well not ever seen, but mighty, mighty close. i love adina and patsy. well, as ricky was about to leave, v. came over b/c she was spending the night. so we talked for a bit and then she went to the neighbor's to visit and i passed out. i was that tired.

now i have a crick in my neck and it is really bothering me. no, it was not from sleeping wrong. i have no idea what happened. i was fine this morning, then i went in the bathroom to spray my hair. i turned my head to spray, fine, turn again, fine, turn back the other and...PAIN!!! so now i look even more like an idiot. (yeah, i didn't mention i have on brown loafers with a blue dress. there is brown in the dress, but i have on no hoes. i am steering clear of the fashion police today.

well, i think i have ranted enough. i think i was fine this morning because i took my carafate, which i haven't taken since march at absolute lastest. i forgot to take it again and now i feel queasy. carafate. i have been taking it since i was in the 11th grade and i still hate it. big pink horse pills that you take at least one hour before you eat and two to three hours after you eat four times a day. that is very tedious and after a while, you just learn to deal with the pain rather than take you medicine. i mean, if i die from not taking it, at least i will have a clear head, you know. but i guess i will start back taking it. the pain is becoming a little bit more than i can handle. oh well. i guess it had to happen sometime, right.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave