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waiting to exhale...part two

2001-10-30 - 12:30 p.m.

let's see how fast i can type all this. i have tons of work. well, let me just say that last night was so awesome. it made me so proud and happy to be a girl, honestly. kamilah came to pick me up from work and we went to the abc store. we get back to my place and make a drink, just one. then cheryl asks us to go to nyp with her for food, but she is still on line. well, kamilah and i knew that last night was going to be girl bonding night and we had no time restraints. cheryl decides she wants to rush us, but we had to listen to ms badu. when we were ready to leave, she was on line, so we left because cheryl said she would meet us later at nyp. keep in mind, we were just going because she asked us to. well, we get there and we eat our food, but cheryl never shows. that will be the last time i do a favor for her. that pissed me off because i was gonna cook. well, while we were down there, we talked to one of the guys that worked there and he bought us a pitcher of beer. we drank that and talked for like 2 hours. yes, i missed buffy, but i was okay with that. so we get back to my place and start drinking again. with the drinking comes the bitching. i bitched about ron, kamilah bitched about darnell. kamilah and i bonded so well, you just don't know. we have never talked like this. we have had heart to hearts before, but this was different. it was deep. it's like when you bare you soul to someone because you know you can trust them and it's perfectly okay and nothing you say can be taken wrong and you don't have to worry about what will this person think because you're on one accord. like the kind of talks that me and jezzie have where you can say whatever, you know. (i am only used to having these talks with jezzie and no one else, so this was strange) anyway, it real deep. i saw a side of her that i have never seen before and it reminded me why she is such a good friend. in spite of all the crazy non-thinking things she does, i still love her. well, later v comes over and we were pretty drunk by this point. it was like a waiting to exhale night, no joke. so we were tripping out and kamilah and i decide to do to v what we do to all people who aren't used to us together. we shock them. how? we brought out he pron magazines. absoulte craziness. v's voice was so funny, we died laughing, but everyone is used to porn, so the shock only lasted a few seconds. then v said something, i have no idea what, but the next thing we know, kamilah is dying laughing. she fell off the couch and rolled around on the floor laughing. then she bumped into a chair, rolled the other direction, bumped into the table, rolled the other direction and somehow ended up in a ball on the floor....still laughing. it wasn't that funny, but i guess it was with alcohol.

so we then start bitching about the boys again and kamilah calls darnell and says she is going to pick him up. v tells her no she isn't and she is going to call him back and tell him no or she was going to do it for her. darnell uses kamilah to no end and the just broke up, only to get back together when he realized he couldn't have sex with kamilah or use or car or computer. then v tells me how i am gonna get rid of ron. for once, we actually listened to v and did what she said. it was crazy. at the end of the night, kamilah called me to tell me she had broken up with darnell and, even though it was hard, she was glad she did it. i guess i am next. oh, did i neglect to mention the fact that kamilah wanted me to go to pure platinum with her? for those of you who don't know, it's a strip joint. we were gonna go, then i decided it would be better done on another night. she went there last night after leaving my place. tonight, we are going to christie's caberett. that should be interesting, to say the least. there's a story behind it all, but that will be another diary entry....

all in all, i have to say that last night was a blast. it was the best night i have ever had with the girls. it just goes to show you when women really are hitting rock bottom, they come together for a common good and can kick ass! so yeah, i am proud to be a girl, no, a woman. i love it all! because even though it's hard and we feel unappreciated so much, there is so much joy in it as well. i love it, every single part of it! i am woman, hear me roar!

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave