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NASONEX is the root of all evil!

2001-10-24 - 12:26 p.m.

okay, so i go upstairs to see the nurse this morning. i had to wait 45 minutes to see her. they were starting the flu shots today and the waiting room was packed. i tell her what my symptoms are, running left nostril, left side of my face hurting, massive headaches.....the usual. i also add that i looked up my nose this morning and discovered that my left nostril was red. so the nurse takes my temperature and takes the little do-hicky with the big light on it and looks up my nose. when i saw her face, i knew it didn't bode well for me. she tells me my nasal cavity is swollen, not just my left nostril and it very inflammed. yeah, yeah, what do i do to fix it. so she gives me the stuff she always gives me every time i go, the anithistemine, which always does nothing that i can tell. then she keeps looking at my file, because i have been to that nurse so many times this year it ain't even funny, and she sees when i came there eariler with sinusitis. i see the light in her eye as the light in mine died. i knew what was coming next. the dreaded medicine that i fear more than any in the world. i would rather take a shot than take this mess.....NASONEX! she told me to take that as my head bowed in defeat. i knew my day couldn't get any worse after hearing that...except for the feeling i get after taking that mess. yes, i know it is only nose spray, but it is heavy duty nose spray. it pretty much, lasts all day. i carry it around in my purse because i refuse to have to spend another $35.00 on that little bitty bottle. it's highway robbery. every time i take that stuff, i get nauseous and my head hurts. that's one of the side effects. i really hate this stuff. now anything bad that happens today, i will blame it on the nasonex.

so, i finally got my money from chip yesterday. i knew i would get it eventually, but i was still shocked to actually have it in hand. he came over and started talking and talking and talking and the more he talked, the sleepier i got, until i just past out on the couch with him still talking to me. cheryl had already left for anime night do she couldn't help me out with him. oh well, i got some sleep, however uncomfortable it was on that damn couch.

i get to work this morning only to find out that there was a hardware problem last night and the system is down. how long, i ask. oh, probably until about 1:00p.m. what? i even got to work on time this morning! like kamilah, i think the system is against me, but in my case, it's a different system. every single time i am almost caught up, something happens, it never fails. as my dad says, i can't win for losing. so my boss decides that i need something to do. does he give me busy work like most normal bosses do? no. does he makes me do some of his work or another person's work like a normal boss does? no. he decides that he is going to use me as a guinea pig. he hands me this book with all these different disks #'s in and explainations of each. they are like motivational/self help seminar things on each disk. i have to pick a few, go to human resources, ask for the disk and listen to it. i was like, are you serious? he was more than serious, he was actually excited about this. i was like, damn! this is the kind of crap you see on those late night infomercials or on the old 700 club. this is not my style, but i gotta do it. i picked out two concerning setting goals and one entitled 'dealing with difficult people.' oh we can't forget the seminar on 'high achievement.' my boss tells me that taking these will look really good on my year end review, which is when we get our yearly raises. i will take the stupid little seminar, but i will not like it. i was looking for one that talked about synergy, but the closest one i saw was the 'high achievement' one. my v.p., jody foster, should love that one.

well, i didn't get to go to cvs last night because i fell asleep, but tonight there is no excuse. let's hope i have a negative response to it all!

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave