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2001-10-02 - 12:19 p.m.

well, it's the day after the funeral and i am hating my life something fierce, i am telling you. my phone at work keeps ringing off the hook, but i will not answer it. my desk and chair had papers stacked on them when i got to work this morning. i people are still bringing me work and i haven't done anything and it's noon. this is ridiculous. you would think these idiots would bring me the work on time, but no, they want to wait until the last minute to do anything. that's fine. when i give them their work back because it's wrong, i do not want to hear a thing about it, not one little thing. i am not having a good day today at all. when i get home, i am going to eat, clean up my room so i can walk around in it, change my bed, possibly wash clothes, but it's not looking too good for that. finally, at 7:00p.m., i am going to wathc buffy the vampire slayer until it goes off. a new episode comes on at 8:00p.m. so i will watch that. when it is over, i am going to bed. i am not talking on the phone tonight. for some reason, i do not want to even hear it ring. it is a pain in the ass, but i might reprogram my phone in my room for no ringer. i usually don't do it because i forget to put it back on, but i think i just might need to. today just keeps going downhill. i feel like my uncle son now. a few years ago, when my aunt azelle died, it upset him so bad that he said he didn't want to hear anything about anybody else dying anymore. i am with him. i have heard of 2 other family members dying in two consecutive days. that is more than i can handle.

i was telling jezzie this morning about my dad. he is so funny. he was talking about his younger brother, uncle james, and his family. he said those are some chicken eating people. that made us laugh. now, my daddy is straight up country in every sense of the word. he loves that nasty country food that most people say 'gross' over. i say that is say my dad was keeping my granddaddy this past weekend and we went out and bough 3 chitterling plates, or as my mommy says, shit'ling plates. one for him, one for granddaddy and one for uncle james. well, uncles james entire family comes over and they sat in the car for forever. my dad left, went home, got the pick up truck, went to durham, filled the gas tank up, came back home and went back to granddaddy's and they were still there. needless to say, my dad was the only one who got some chitterlings. he said, james and his family are weird. now, if you know my daddy, you know that weird is not a word that is in his vocabulary, so just hearing him say that is funny in itself. then, when you meet my uncle and his family, you will totally understand why. i love them all, though, and i wouldn't give them up for the world.

i saw my friend jason's mom at my aunt's funeral. i was so happy. her church came. it made me feel good. then i talked to jason last night. he is coming to greensboro wednesday so i get to hang out with him. i am excited. i really miss jason and i let him know that. that's my boy. my friend maher will be here with his wife on thursday. i am really excited about seeing his wife. i really have missed her. we used to talk via e-mail constantly, but not much anymore. it will be good to see rana again. then friday, that will be my short day. i am going back home. i have church on friday night, revival. i am really excited about it. it's the last day of fall revival. that means that i get to do the victory march, which i absolutely love to no end. it's not much, you just get up and march around the church while the old people lead you in old timey songs, but it is so much fun. all the unity in the church.... it just chokes me up every single time. tomorrow is the first night of the victory march, but i am always there on the last night of it. then we have sunday, which i am really excited about. it's homecoming and i cannot wait. it will be good to go to church for a happy occasion, you know.

well, i must get back to work now. i have written enough for now.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave