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the razor won

2001-07-21 - 5:35 p.m.

okay, now i have been up since 1:00p.m. and since i have been up do you know how many times my phone has rung? none, not absolutely one time. now why is this? why is it that everyone and their mom has something to say to me when i am trying to sleep, but as soon as i actually get my ass out of the bed, no one wants to call me? i do not understand these people, honestly. i don't ask for much. don't call after 11:00p.m. monday through thursday and don't call me before 2:00p.m. on saturday and sunday. not that hard, but my phones rings the most during those times. go figure.

i just had a fight with the razor and it won. i used to hear girls say that when i was in high school but i never quite understood i do. i understand all too well. i was taking a shower and decided that i needed to shave. everything was going fine, no problem whatsoever, as usual. then all of a sudden i nicked my fingernail. no big deal, right? wrong. i nicked the middle of my middle fingernail. let me re-phrase that...i cut the hell out of myself. at first i didn't think it was going to be so bad because you can't really see it. then i applied pressure to it and blood just poured out of my finger. i wanted to cry so bad, but i didn't. i kept telling myself i was 24 years old and i could take it. so did the only thing i knew to do. i put a band aide on it. that just ruined my day, kinda. i was going to do my nails a different color today. now i have to wait. i can't take the fingernail polish off my nails because it will hurt and there is no way in hell i am having one nail not painted or a different color from the rest. i guess i will just have to stick with my holographic color.

i have on a yellow halter top and jeans. one of my friends just came over with my roommate and asked why i was dressed up. i just looked at her and rolled my eyes. i think that might have been the craziest question i have ever heard. she sees me when i come home from work in dresses and skirts and heels and what not, even with make up on. now why, oh why, would she ask me why i am dressed up when i only have on a halter top and jeans with no make up. that girl confuses me, i kid you not.

now i am about to get bored. i know i am. maybe i will go outside and have a cigarette. that sounds cool. speaking of cigarettes, my friend brought this girl over here last night. no big deal, i always am willing to meet my friend's other friends. the girl who came over smokes and when they got here she was smoking. she was about to come in my apartment when i told her we don't smoke in here. she just threw the cigarette away. i wasn't too keen on this chick anyway, but i am always nice...well, i try to be. she then wanted to smoke another cigarette, which was fine. i gave her one, then she was going to light it in the livingroom. all my friends know to go outside to smoke, my house, my rules. everyone stood up to go outside except for this chick. she kept looking at us like, what are you doing. i reminded her no smoking in the house. tell me why she is going to tell me that is stupid and go on to talk about how she doesn't want to go outside and smoke. i turned my back and walked out, i had the cigarette and she didn't. she followed, of course, but i knew something she didn't. she was not coming back upstairs to my place for anything. how are you going to go to someone else's place and tell them how stupid their rules are, especially when you don't even know them. that's a bunch of crap. she need not worry about my rules ever again because that was the first and last time she will be over here. also, i think she had a problem with white people. now i have hardly ever had any dealings with racism because i have lived a very sheltered life. as far as i am concerned, skin color is not an issue. most of my friends are white, in fact, almost all my friends are what? i do not like people who focus so much of their engery on whether or not a person is black or white or asian or whatever. she seriously needs an attitued adjustment and if i am forced to be around her, which i don't think will happen, i might have to be the one to give it to her.

well, i think i have vented enough for one day.

music in my head:

what i'm doing now:
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave