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i want to be alone

Tuesday, Jun. 25, 2002 - 2:55 p.m.

drew took me out to lunch today, yea! i love cafe europa. yeah, it's pricy...but not if you got the hook up. i have been talking to drew alot today about stuff. ally works at cafe europa, so my lunch was free. (just so you don't think i am random here, ally is drew's girlfriend.) when drew called me at work to see if i wanted to go to lunch, i said no, but then changed my mind b/c it's about a block from my office building. but back to why i have been talking to drew. me, jody, frank and ricky are going to the beach in august. we are trying to find a decent priced hotel. i called my mom and asked if she thought my uncle would be able to hook us up. she said she would check the hotel book when she got home today. my uncle manages comfort inn suites in virginia. well, i talk to drew about this and he tells me i have to utilize my friends. well, actually, he said i need to use my friends and i told him i didn't like using poeple. he told me it was okay and he showed me how. i have lots of friends who work in and for hotels. they get phatty discounts on rooms and i need to hook up w/ them. ally is going to the same beach as we are going to, but she is going this weekend. one of the guys she used to work w/ works for a hotel now. he got her a room on the beach for $30/night. wow. my mom was telling me my uncle got them their room this past weekend for $25/night. originally it was $225/night. pretty damn good.

then we got to talking about my air conditioner. i am telling you, people, it's gonna run my light bill sky high! it was so hot yesterday when i got home and cheryl had the air on. it was barely putting out anything. it ran for i don't know how many hours straight. it has stopped leaking water, though. drew was telling me what HE thought the problem was. i told him i could care less what the problem was so long as it was fixed and soon. my landlord called me earlier today and said the air conditioner man was coming by to fix it. i hope so. the temperature in my aquarium was in the red yesterday. i had to put ice in there to cool it off. i hate doing that b/c i have to cool it off slowly and evenly. it ain't pretty, but so long as my little fishies are okay. one word to describe my apartment yesterday...SAUNA.

i had fun when i got home yesterday. yep, guess what i did? absolutely nothing. i didn't answer my phone or look at the caller id. in fact, i put it in a place where it would muffle the sound of the ring. i am tired of answering my phone and seeing people. i need a break. and when i get home today, i think i'll do the same thing. i want to finish my v.c. andrews book and i cannot do that on the phone. i could hear cheryl in the living saying, 'kamilah's on the phone.' yeah, well, that's nice, i say. she's on the phone and you know what? i'm not. that party this weekend totally wore me out. that and w/ my apartment being so hot, the less movement the better. i really hope my air is fixed when i get home. i don't want to hear what normally comes out of a fix-it man's mouth.."well, i'll have to order the part and it'll take about x-amount of time for it to get in."

hmmm, kamilah wants me to go w/ her to that thing tonight they are having for the opening of irma vep. tonight is the opening night. i don't think i want to go. i will crawl in my bed w/ my v.c. andrews book and chill. hell, i got to bed before 11:30p.m, last night and woke up refreshed. i might try that again. everyone always freaks out when i don't answer my phone. cheryl, kamilah and jody had a hissy fit when i did that last thursday and they were there w/ me. well, i think i am gonna do it again. besides, i am plum tuckered and cheryl is going to anime night. just perfect.

well, i gotta get back to work now. this is the end of the quarter and....well, to put if lightly, i can now honestly say until friday, i hate my job. i wish the end of the quarter were already over. toodles.

music in my head: crawling-linkin park

what i'm doing now: realizing my boobs are DD and have probably gotten bigger, wtf!
that was thenthis is nowrings & thingsleave me a note311 pictures

need more? ♠
happy kwanzaa
good holiday cheer filled w/ love for family
i finally got the car!
let's get in the christmast spirit!
goodbye to the old and on w/ the precious microwave